As the saying goes, the best place to start is at the beginning. Everyone has to start at the beginning and anyone who is truly into the whole yoga experience would never put you down because you don’t know everything, so no feelings of intimidation or lack of confidence please!
Chat with your local yoga teacher and good friends who are already on the yoga journey and decide what style of yoga would suit you best. This is for you and it should be your choice right from the beginning. What do you want from your yoga experience?
A regular yoga practise will help you tune into your body, mind and soul, enabling you to enhance all areas of your life.
A calm mind is one of life’s greatest jewels
A healthy body is a precious commodity
And a nourished soul ties all aspects of your world together nicely!
Don’t buy tons of expensive gear. Comfortable clothes that stretch with you and maybe a mat are the only physical items you need. The most important item needed here is your own willingness and commitment to becoming a healthier you.
If you start learning a language, you begin with simple words, you don’t head off into learning legal jargon. And if yoga is a new experience for you, start with a beginner’s class and don’t expect yourself to be able to do a twisty headstand on your first lesson!